Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Blues

This past week found me chasing my Montana nemesis, the forest grouse, this time in the Judith Mountains of south-central Montana.  Beautiful country, and quite a change from my normal flatland haunts.  A fact not unnoticed by my legs, nor my lungs.  The air gets noticeably thinner when you start getting over 7000'.

Some great country in this part of Montana.  I heard some bugling elk one morning, and saw a big black bear one afternoon as he ran out of a small piece of cover I had just hunted through.


And finally, after several years of trying, my first mountain grouse, a nice big blue grouse, taken over a point by Bull.

I believe this is the 11th species of upland bird I have taken over Bull in his career.  In fact, the next day he made a nice point on what would have made an even dozen when he found some ruffed grouse, but they eluded my shooting.  Which leaves something to look forward to next season...