Friday, November 6, 2009

Hunting around home

I took a few days off work and just made some day trips around home.  Our brutal winter last year really seems to have done a number on our bird population.  While there are still some pockets of good bird numbers, they are definitely down overall.  I hit what was one of my best spots last season, and hardly found any birds this year.  They are still out there, there is just more shoe leather between finds!

We hit some big fields.  Lots of walking in this country.


We hit some coulees too.

And even tried the river bottom.

But we did manage to find a few birds!


We've had great weather this week, lows in the 20's and 30's and highs in the 50's.  The wind has kicked up today, (steady around 25mph, gust to 50!) so we are staying in.  I hope to be able to get back out tomorrow. 

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