Thursday, October 8, 2009

Long gone to Saskatchewan

Well I'm long gone to Saskatchewan
Long gone to Saskatchewan
Where the gettin's good if your gettin' gone
I'm gonna put my boots and my hat back on
Adios, goodbye, farewell, so long
I'm long gone to Saskatchewan
Long gone to Saskatchewan
 - Corb Lund



Eric G said...

My mouth is watering from longing to be there! I hope it is as much fun as it looks, great pics.


Shawn K. Wayment, DVM said...

Craig...I love the new look of your blog! How did you put the prairie picture in the back ground?

Have a great Fall!


Rebecca Wall said...

"Hello!" from Travis and Rebecca Wall. Travis can talk on the phone now, but he doesn't have your number. He would love for you to call him when you get a chance.