Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rainy day blues

Since today's planned excursion has been declared a rain out, I'll make do with some pictures from my last outing.  This will be it until I return from Saskatchewan.  Wish me luck!

The Montana six-pack


That's Ivy in the last picture, she really turned it on that day.  Several great points and two fantastic finds on birds I hit but sailed out of sight.

The weather forecast looks good for my trip north (cross your fingers that holds true!) so I have high hopes.  I'll be meeting up with a good hunting buddy of mine for a few days of chasing birds.  Expect a full report when I get back.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Hunting the Yaak...

...not so great.

I have been eagerly anticipating my trip over to far NW Montana in search of the elusive forest grouse.  We have three species here in Montana (spruce {or Franklins}, blue, and ruffed) and it seems the Yaak area is good for spruce grouse.  The other two are more easily found throughout the state.  I left Saturday with the plan of hunting Saturday evening, then all day Sunday and Monday and returning on Tuesday.  After backing into a tree and setting up my camp, I headed out Saturday afternoon.  What I found wasn't what I had expected.  It was all dark, thick forest that you really couldn't even walk though.  I was bummed, to say the least.  Then it rained all night Saturday, which made everything in the forest hold water.  I quickly got drenched from head to toe on Sunday.  I did see a few grouse on the roads, but none were brought to bag.  Between the lack of good hunting, and the rain, I quit on Sunday after about a day and headed back home.  Back to the prairies for me.  The forest grouse are still on my list, but I need to find better spots.  Maybe next year...

I thought this old burn looked good, but nada...

Some of the roads I tried to hunt.

I found this spruce grouse driving in Sunday morning.  I thought it was a good omen, but not so much.
At least I had a nice camp site
Driving over Lake Koocanusa

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Montana 2009

After an interminable wait, the Montana upland season has begun.  It's been warmer than I would like, but it's better than nothing.  I've made it out a few times, with mixed success.  The "forecast" is for a poor season, but I've been seeing quite a few birds.  In fact, the spots I've hunted have held more sharptails than I have found in past years.

I've got a couple of much anticipated camping trips coming up, where I hope to get in some good hunting.  Stay tuned for more details!