Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wintertime is here

I awoke this morning to a heavy layer of hoar frost, making everything seem to be in black and white.  I snapped these in the yard.

Oh, and I tried, but this is as close as I could find to a partridge in a pear tree.
(Not in the yard, though.  Thankfully...)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

This weekend brought to you by...

Mother Nature.

Been snowing off and on all week, and combine the heavy snow, bad roads, and below zero temperatures and I think I will stay close to home this weekend.

I have this interesting drift developing on my roof:

And here's a few other pictures from around the home place...

Monday, November 1, 2010

October in Review

I realize I've been lacking in  the photo posting department recently, so here are a few photos from our October exploits.  Hopefully more to come in November and December, so stay tuned...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Blues

This past week found me chasing my Montana nemesis, the forest grouse, this time in the Judith Mountains of south-central Montana.  Beautiful country, and quite a change from my normal flatland haunts.  A fact not unnoticed by my legs, nor my lungs.  The air gets noticeably thinner when you start getting over 7000'.

Some great country in this part of Montana.  I heard some bugling elk one morning, and saw a big black bear one afternoon as he ran out of a small piece of cover I had just hunted through.


And finally, after several years of trying, my first mountain grouse, a nice big blue grouse, taken over a point by Bull.

I believe this is the 11th species of upland bird I have taken over Bull in his career.  In fact, the next day he made a nice point on what would have made an even dozen when he found some ruffed grouse, but they eluded my shooting.  Which leaves something to look forward to next season...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Starting Again

The 2010 Montana upland season has finally come around.  While summer has been  fun, with lots of gopher and prairie dog shooting, it's the cool fall air and turning leaves that get my blood flowing.  It's still a little on the warm side for any serious hunting, but I've had the dogs out a few times, and have found a few birds.  I'm looking forward to lots of good hunts, and hopefully some nice trips, and I'm pretty sure the dogs are too.

Here's Bull literally five minutes into our first foray afield in 2010.

And just a few minutes further, and another group of sharptails.

Bull with another find.

And here's Ivy making a nice cast.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sage Grouse

It's been a long time coming, but I finally got my sage grouse back from the taxidermist.  The guy does great work, he's just slower than sap in the winter.  This big bird is a monster on the wall, 35 inch wingspan, and 31 inches beak to tail.  He came out great, especially since he wasn't in the best of condition when I took him.  Our season here in Montana closes December 1st, and the birds still aren't in full plumage quite yet.  Between that, me shooting him, and Bull retrieving him, he was a little worse for the wear.  But he looks great on the wall, and brings back lots of memories of that nice afternoon hunt.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Summer Activities

I had a goal for this summer - I wanted to shoot a badger.  Through more luck than anything, I managed to take this fellow while out gopher shooting this morning.  About 17lbs, so while maybe not fit for the record books, still a nice specimen in my book.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!

Here in Montana, we celebrate in our own way...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spring Time

Watching the sage grouse on their spring lek.

Watching me watch the sage grouse...

Watching everything...

Somewhere in the backroads of Montana.  I'm not sure what our $2.2MM bought here.  The signs been up since at least last fall, and I can't see anything new...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New York, New York!

The big city canyons...








Where did we leave the car?
I can't find that cool shop in Greenwich Village again!!! 
What the stock market means to me:
A good trip.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Arlington National Cemetery


The Arlington House


The JFK Memorial in the foreground

The JFK Memorial, bottom, with the Washington skyline in the back.


Tomb of the Unknown